

Are you looking for work?

We can offer a range of employment support to help you find work


Support for Young People

We provide school and community based support for those at risk of becoming homeless or at risk of leaving education.


Are you looking to upskill?

We offer a range of classroom based and online accredited courses to help you to upskill.

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Welcome to Economy, Employment and Skills

The Economy, Employment and Skills service aims to, help generate further engagement for local businesses and our projects to support people into work, to gain work-related qualifications and improve their general wellbeing and life chances.

Are you looking for work, or planning a career change?

We work with younger people in schools, adults within the community and local businesses to offer a range of services around employment, training and mentoring.

Find information on:

  • Employment Support
  • Improving Your Numeracy – Multiply Programme
  • Exploring Self-employment
  • Gaining Work-related Qualifications
  • Improving Confidence, Wellbeing and Chances

Working in partnership

Welsh Government
European Social Fund
UK Government logo